Gary Cantrell
Gary Cantrell is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. He is interested in computer science and digital forensics, and prior to joining Northeastern, he founded the Dixie State University Computer Crime Lab.
Agnes H. Chan
Agnes Chan is a professor emeritus and the executive director of information assurance and cybersecurity at Khoury College. Her cryptography and security research has spanned mutual authentication algorithms, communications security, and open clouds, and she holds patents on ultrafast pseudorandom sequence generators and software-based stream ciphers.
Neda Changizi
Neda Changizi is a clinical instructor at Khoury College. Her previous work as a researcher has explored the world of medical imaging informatics.
Divya Chaudhary
Divya Chaudhary is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. She teaches courses related to programming, data structures, cloud computing, and big data, and her research attempts to discover ways to optimize load scheduling in the cloud to reduce computational costs.