Combined Majors at Khoury College
Pursue your passion with a specialized computer science degree

Passionate about philosophy but have a knack for computer science? Looking for a career in data science anchored in a firm understanding of business administration? At Northeastern University, combined majors allow you to do both.
Combined majors are unique, hybrid degree programs that encourage students to explore multiple academic fields, all while staying on track for graduation. Khoury College of Computer Sciences currently offers 56 combined majors with curriculum specific to each individual academic program.
Khoury Statistics
Undergraduate combined majors
Students pursuing an interdisciplinary combined degree
CS college for number of combined majors offered
Pursue your passion and make your impact
Khoury College offers 56 combined majors with 25 partner disciplines — more than any other college at Northeastern.
BS in Computer Science and Behavioral Neuroscience
The BS in Computer Science and Behavioral Neuroscience applies mathematical and computational methodologies toward understanding human behavior, artificial intelligence, and the human-machine interface.
BS in Computer Science and Biology
The BS in Computer Science and Biology provides a strong foundation across focus areas that include chemistry, mathematics, software development, and algorithms.
BS in Computer Science and Business Administration
The BS in Computer Science and Business Administration focuses on technical skills that will give you unique foundations for your economics and business management courses.
BSChE in Chemical Engineering and Computer Science
The BSChE in Chemical Engineering and Computer Science provides expertise in computational modeling and simulation of chemical processes.
BSCE in Civil Engineering and Computer Science
The BSCE in Civil Engineering and Computer Science will prepare you in computational modeling and simulation for developing and managing critical infrastructure.
BS in Computer Science and Cognitive Psychology
The BS in Computer Science and Cognitive Psychology will prepare you to explore the connections between people and computers. Build a theoretical and hands-on foundation in psychology and cognition to supplement coursework in artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction.
BS in Computer Science and Communication Studies
The BS in Computer Science and Communication Studies integrates technical skills and communication theory, exploring the impact of technology on society, culture, and politics.
BS in Computer Engineering and Computer Science
The BS in Computer Engineering and Computer Science will prepare you to bridge the divide between hardware and software computing.
BS in Computer Science and Criminal Justice
The BS in Computer Science and Criminal Justice provides a strong programming foundation and knowledge of the criminal justice system.
BS in Computer Science and Design
The BS in Computer Science and Design combined major applies design principles to computer science applications through core design courses and a strong programming foundation.
BS in Computer Science and Economics
The BS in Computer Science and Economics combined major integrates fundamental economics courses with a strong programming foundation.
BS in Computer Science and English
The BS in Computer Science and English is a combined major that focuses on the interdisciplinary processes of creating, interpreting, and analyzing written texts and programs.
BS in Computer Science and Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
The BS in Computer Science and Environmental and Sustainability Sciences is a combined major that focuses on solving the world’s environmental problems through technology.
BS in Computer Science and Game Development
The BS in Computer Science and Game Development gives you the foundational background you need to succeed in the highly competitive game industry.
BS in Computer Science and History
The Computer Science and History BS offers the opportunity to gain historical knowledge and analytical skills in both the humanities and computer science.
BSIE in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science
The BSIE in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science strategically blends together the two disciplines, allowing industrial engineering students to acquire CS skills that are becoming increasingly important in the field of industrial engineering.
BS in Computer Science and Journalism
The BS in Computer Science and Journalism will prepare you with a technical foundation and the journalistic skills you need to succeed in both digital and print media careers.
BS in Computer Science and Linguistics
The BS in Computer Science and Linguistics will prepare you to explore the intersection of language and technology.
BS in Computer Science and Mathematics
The interdisciplinary BS in Computer Science and Mathematics is a combined major where you’ll study topics in mathematical theory with practical applications in computer science.
BSME in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
The new BSME in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science provides expertise in both disciplines.
BS in Computer Science and Media Arts
The Computer Science and Media Arts BS is ideal for creative students who love technology and provides a solid foundation in both fields.
BS in Computer Science and Music
The BS in Computer Science and Music combined major is designed to give students a firm foundation in music and computing, exposing students to a wide range of musical repertoires, theoretical approaches, and research strategies.
BS in Computer Science and Music with a Concentration in Music Technology
The BS in Computer Science and Music with a Concentration in Music Technology explores how digital technologies enhance and sometimes challenge music composition and performance.
BS in Computer Science and Philosophy
The BS in Computer Science and Philosophy will prepare you with skills in formal logic and an understanding of the ethical and social issues related to computing and information technologies.
BS in Computer Science and Physics
The BS in Computer Science and Physics combined major will prepare you with a strong skill set at the intersection of computer science, physics, and mathematics.
BS in Computer Science and Political Science
The BS in Computer Science and Political Science provides an understanding of the role of technology in policymaking as you address global and societal challenges using computer science.
BS in Computer Science and Politics, Philosophy and Economics
The BS in Computer Science and Politics, Philosophy, and Economics will prepare you with the diverse perspectives and knowledge that are indispensable in our increasingly interconnected world.
BS in Computer Science and Sociology
The BS in Computer Science and Sociology is a combined major that provides a strong programming foundation and a deep understanding of the intersection of technology and society.
BS in Computer Science and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
The BS in Computer Science and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is designed to facilitate critical thinking, information literacy, and oral and written communication skills.
BS in Computer Science and Theatre
In the BS in Computer Science and Theatre combined major, you'll explore the connections between theater and technology — ideal for creative students who want to use tech as a tool to expand the future of the performing arts.
BS in Data Science and Behavioral Neuroscience
The BS in Data Science and Behavioral Neuroscience integrates biology, psychology, computer science, and data science exploring brain mechanisms and pathological states.
BS in Data Science and Biochemistry
The BS in Data Science and Biochemistry integrates computer science, biochemistry, biology, information science, mathematics, and statistics.
BS in Data Science and Biology
The interdisciplinary BS in Data Science and Biology provides a strong foundation in biology, chemistry, and mathematics, as well as software development and algorithms.
BS in Data Science and Business Administration
The BS in Data Science and Business Administration will prepare you to leverage technology to manage a global economy — integrating data expertise with management theory and practice.
BSChE in Chemical Engineering and Data Science
The BS in Chemical Engineering and Data Science will prepare you to use data science to solve challenges in the chemical engineering field.
BS in Data Science and Chemistry
The BS in Data Science and Chemistry blends chemistry, information science, and mathematics to prepare you to use data science to understand the physical world.
BS in Data Science and Criminal Justice
The combined BS in Data Science and Criminal Justice will prepare you with cutting-edge data science skills and expertise in important and urgent social issues.
BS in Data Science and Design
The new BS in Data Science and Design integrates a technical degree with a practice-based discipline that poses important questions about — and provides significant answers to — how we live.
BS in Data Science and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
The interdisciplinary BS in Data Science and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology will prepare you with critical thinking and creative scientific problem solving skills.
BS in Data Science and Economics
The combined BS in Data Science and Economics integrates fundamental economics experience with a strong foundation in programming.
BS in Data Science and Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
The BS in Data Science and Environmental and Sustainability Sciences provides a foundation in a range of environmental topics, including earth history, environmental planning, and spatial analysis.
BSEnvE in Environmental Engineering and Data Science
The BSEnvE in Environmental Science and Data Science strategically blends together the two disciplines, allowing environmental engineering students to acquire necessary data analytics skills.
BS in Data Science and Health Science
The BS in Data Science and Health Science offers a strong grounding in health administration and public health combined with data science experience.
BS in Data Science and International Affairs
The BS in Data Science and International Affairs offers a strong data science foundation and an interdisciplinary understanding of global affairs and international issues.
BS in Data Science and Journalism
The BS in Data Science and Journalism will prepare you to understand and leverage data to uncover impactful stories and produce engaging, relevant journalism.
BS in Data Science and Linguistics
The Data Science and Linguistics BS offers a strong foundation in the formal structures of human languages and the collection, manipulation, storage, retrieval, and analysis of data.
BS in Data Science and Mathematics
The BS in Data Science and Mathematics will give you a strong foundation in the vital role of mathematics in today’s data-driven world.
BS in Data Science and Philosophy
The Data Science and Philosophy combined major will prepare you with a strong foundation in formal logic and understanding of the intersection of logic and data.
BS in Data Science and Physics
The combined BS in Data Science and Physics will prepare you with a foundation in three important fields: data science, physics, and mathematics.
BS in Data Science and Psychology
The BS in Data Science and Psychology will prepare you to use data to explore the human mind through rigorous coursework and hands-on learning.
BS in Data Science and Public Health
The new BS in Data Science and Public Health offers students a strong foundation and experiential education integrating studies in public health and data science.
BS in Data Science and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
The new BS in Data Science and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is designed to facilitate critical thinking, information literacy, and oral and written communication skills.
BS in Cybersecurity and Business Administration
The interdisciplinary BS in Cybersecurity and Business Administration will prepare you with a security-focused technical foundation and the skills to apply it in industry settings.
BS in Cybersecurity and Criminal Justice
The BS in Cybersecurity and Criminal Justice integrates technical aspects of cybersecurity with a fundamental knowledge of the law.
BS in Cybersecurity and Economics
The Cybersecurity and Economics BS provides a strong foundation in cybersecurity and an understanding of the global economic factors that contribute to security challenges.