At Khoury College, our mission of Computer Science for Everyone directly ties to our commitment to fostering an environment where everyone belongs. It underlies every initiative at Khoury College; it’s who we are and what we do.
From research designed to benefit all of society to a curriculum rooted in our core principles described in our Oath for Computing Professionals, we strive to create a welcoming, supportive environment where everyone can thrive.
Khoury College and Northeastern University provide support resources to help you acclimate smoothly into the Khoury community. From academic advising to mental health services, we’re here to support your journey.
Academic programs that broaden participation
The Align master’s programs, which bring together creative thinkers from more than 100 disciplines to learn computer science (CS) or data science (DS) for the first time — and launch a career in tech.
56 combined majors that pair CS, DS, or cybersecurity with other undergraduate degrees at Northeastern. Students can make their impact in the area they’re most passionate about.
Meaningful minors that make it easy to customize a CS or DS minor to link it to a primary major.
The LEADERs Program that enables postdoctoral students to work at the juncture of their field and experiential AI, or other CS areas.
Initiatives for broadening participation and impact
Center for Inclusive Computing
Founded in 2019, the Center for Inclusive Computing (CIC) at Northeastern University partners with colleges and universities to materially increase the representation of women computing graduates. These partnerships focus on addressing and removing the institutional barriers that exclude women of all races and ethnicities from discovering and thriving in computing programs.
A key to increasing enrollment of students with varied backgrounds is to help young learners see CS as a collaborative, creative activity by dispelling stereotypes and opening up opportunities to careers in CS.
K-12 education initiatives in Boston include:
High school visit days, when students come to campus for hands-on workshops led by MS and PhD students
Collaboration with high school CS teachers on Visit Day workshops to share resources and curriculum that enable them to help students develop CS skills in their classrooms
K-12 education initiatives at Roux Institute in Portland, Maine, include:
GenCyber Camp for middle schoolers, sponsored by NSA
Khoury-created professional development programs for multiple K-12 districts in the Portland area
Presentations and workshops for teachers and administrators at CSTA New England’s regional conference on CS Integration in Non-CS Classes
Presentations and workshops for teachers and administrators at Maine’s CS Summer of Fun on computational thinking integration and use of AI tools to give educators time back in their day
Work with Jobs for Maine graduates and their Extend Learning Opportunities program to develop asynchronous content for Maine high school students on AI and machine learning
MS Pathways to Computing Consortium
Khoury College leads a networked community of colleges and universities to expand pathways into CS.
WCoC offers free computer science workshops for girls and women to spark engagement and interest in computer science. All workshops are beginner-friendly and introduce practical computer science techniques for adults. WCoC also offers workshops for girls ages 10-14.
Tech for the Culture brings together innovative initiatives powered by Khoury College’s mission of CS for Everyone, focused on empowering underrepresented groups to envision themselves thriving in the tech industry. It also provides an opportunity to create a pathway that will transform and influence the culture of technology.
Khoury faculty are collaborating on projects that have a meaningful impact on society. Take a look at some of their leading-edge research grounded in computing for all.
Saiph Savage on reinventing the future of work by using data to empower workers
Alexandra To, who studies the implementation of social justice theory into the design and deployment of technology
Resources and support
Khoury College and Northeastern offer numerous resources not only to help students transition smoothly into the Khoury community, but also to support and guide students, staff, and faculty throughout their journeys.
Teaching resources: Ethics, cultural calendar, accessibility resources, and more
Ethics courses
Information Ethics Curriculum: Integrates ethics throughout the undergraduate computer science curriculum, including a course on technology and society
The Law, Ethics, and Policy of Data and Digital Technologies: Describes the legal and ethical issues associated with collection, use, disclosure, and protection of digital information