Jonathan Mwaura
Jonathan Mwaura is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. He teaches courses in introductory mathematics, algorithms, AI, and machine learning.
Arasu Narayan
Arasu Narayan is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College. He researches and teaches classes on natural language processing, machine learning, data visualization, and information retrieval, building on 15 years of experience in the database development space and another 10 in data science and machine learning.
Karl Ni
Karl Ni is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and a senior manager heading recommendations infrastructure at Etsy. He teaches courses on data mining, having found in industry that mining data at scale is foundational to informing business decisions, mitigating risk, and providing value to customers.
Lucía Nuñez
Lucia Nuñez is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. Her research explores space-time tradeoffs in applications, and garbage collectors as a method to gather data structure information.
Kaan Onarlioglu
Kaan Onarlioglu is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College and an architect with Akamai’s security intelligence team. His research interests span a wide array of systems and Internet security topics, but emphasize operating systems security problems with real-life impacts.
Themis A. Papageorge
Themis Papageorge is an associate clinical professor and director of cybersecurity and information assurance employer relations at Khoury College. His primary research interest is risk management; from 2008-2017 he served as the director of the Master of Science in information assurance and cyber security program, overseeing the program curriculum and introducing the online version worldwide.
Daniel Patterson
Daniel Patterson is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. He is particularly interested in the first few years of a computer science curriculum, and uses his background in programming languages, logic, and specification to help students with no experience in computer science establish a strong grasp on the fundamentals.
Virgil Pavlu
Virgil Pavlu is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. His research focuses on information retrieval and organization, and the potential to use machine learning algorithms for the discovery and indexing of text data.
Cristian Penarrieta
Cristian Penarrieta is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and a senior software engineer at HR software company Gusto. Prior to joining Northeastern, Penarrieta worked as a senior software engineer at Electronic Arts.
Showing 16 of 220 results for "Teaching Faculty"