Jan Vitek
Jan Vitek is a professor at Khoury College whose work has yielded advances in modern programming systems, with applications in information security, memory management, and real-time safety critical systems. He led the team that developed the first real-time Java virtual machine to be deployed on a Boeing unmanned aerial vehicle.
Olga Vitek
Olga Vitek is the Raymond Bradford Bradstreet Professor at Khoury College, and the director of the Barnett Institute for Chemical and Biological Analysis. Her lab, which has been recognized with multiple major awards, uses statistical science, machine learning, and large-scale mass spectrometry to understand the functioning of living organisms.
Byron Wallace
Byron Wallace is the Sy and Laurie Sternberg Interdisciplinary Associate Professor and director of the undergraduate data science program at Khoury College. He applies machine learning and natural language processing methods in the health informatics space, with the goal of developing hybrid human–AI systems and streamlining the synthesis of biomedical information.
Robin Walters
Robin Walters is an assistant professor at Khoury College. He leads the Geometric Learning Lab, where his research explores the role symmetry can play in developing data-efficient, trustworthy deep learning models.
Dakuo Wang
Dakuo Wang is an associate professor at Khoury College. He is also an ACM Distinguished Speaker and gives talks around the world on his research into human-centered AI (HCAI) systems.
Daniel Wichs
Daniel Wichs is a professor at Khoury College. An expert in modern cryptography, Wichs researches all aspects of the field, including its theoretical foundations and its applications to information security. Wichs’ work was recognized in 2018 with the prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship, which honors early-career scholars whose achievements mark them among the top scientific minds.
Christo Wilson
Christo Wilson is an associate professor and associate dean of undergraduate programs at Khoury College. His research, which draws on computational, political, and economic methods, delves into the data, security, and privacy issues at the heart of our internet use.
Raimond Winslow
Raimond Winslow is a professor jointly appointed between Khoury College, the College of Engineering, and Bouvé College of Health Sciences, as well as the director of life sciences and medical research at the Roux Institute. He is a notable contributor to the emerging discipline of computational medicine, and researches predictive analytics for healthcare settings.
Lawson Wong
Lawson Wong is an assistant professor at Khoury College. His research focuses on learning, representing, and estimating knowledge about environments and the world in ways that autonomous robots can use.
Shuo Zhang
Shuo Zhang is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. Her research examines how labor economics, platform design, algorithmic fairness, and human behavior influence online job markets.
Hongyang Zhang
Hongyang Zhang is an assistant professor at Khoury College. He researches at the nexus of machine learning, algorithms, and statistics, and has helped to develop techniques for neural networks, data augmentation, and transfer learning.
Ziming Zhao
Ziming Zhao is an associate professor at Khoury College. His passion for hacking informs his research into systems and software security, network security, and web security, as well as his use of capture the flag (CTF) cybersecurity competitions as a teaching tool.
Showing 13 of 109 results for "Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty"