Yangtian Zi


PhD Student

Yangtian Zi

Research Interests

  • Programming language implementation
  • Just-in-time compilation and virtual machine


  • MMath in Computer Science, University of Waterloo — Canada
  • BS in Computer Science, University of Waterloo — Canada


Yangtian Zi is a doctoral student at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, advised by Arjun Guha. His doctoral research, which he began in 2021 and expects to complete in 2026, focuses on programming languages.

Previously, Zi interned as a software developer at Amazon, IBM, and Oracle, among others. While earning his graduate degree at the University of Waterloo, he served as a teaching assistant for numerous course sections, and taught a first-year computer science course.

At Northeastern, he is researching the implementation of just-in-time compilers and virtual machines. More broadly, he wants to leverage programming language techniques to make language implementations more efficient and secure. He is also interested in linguistics.

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