Ghita Amor-Tijani

Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Director of Teaching Faculty - Boston

Ghita Amor-Tijani

Research interests

  • Information retrieval
  • Cross-lingual information retrieval
  • Data mining
  • Databases


  • PhD in Computer Science, George Washington University
  • MS in Computer Science, George Washington University
  • BS in General Engineering, Alakhawayn University — Morocco


Ghita Amor-Tijani is an associate teaching professor and assistant director of teaching faculty in Boston at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. She earned her doctorate and master’s in computer science from George Washington University. Amor-Tijani teaches courses such as Computer Science and its Applications, Discrete Structures, Introduction to Web Development, and Database Management Systems. Her research interests include exploring various methods to enhance information retrieval systems.

Prior to joining Northeastern, Amor-Tijani taught several computer science courses at Wentworth Institute of Technology and the University of Rhode Island. In her research, she analyzes the different approaches taken to solve problems with word-by-word translation using online dictionaries. Additionally, she works on designing and implementing techniques to improve the efficiency of an Arabic-English CLIR system.