My Background
I graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County with a BS in Biology. I remember attending my first hackathon during my sophomore year and my school had a reputable computer science program. I taught myself Python in the summer and fell in love with coding because of the feeling of finally having the program run successfully. As a pre-dental student at the time, I wanted to switch over to the computer science program at my university but thought it was too late since I’d have to spend an additional two years as an undergraduate student. I did my research and found the Align program online and coincidentally they were visiting my campus a month later to talk about their program. I saw the Align program as a sign that my dream of studying computer science can come true after all.
My Future
Apply my background in biology and linguistics to the field of computer science by doing research in Artificial Intelligence engineering. I read a book by Nick Bostrom on the applications of Artificial Intelligence and it covered topics of bio cognition, neural networks, and linguistics. It made me realize how interdisciplinary the field of computer science can be and how we need more people coming from diverse backgrounds, which is why I believe in Align.