Carey Barry

PhD Student

Carey Barry


  • MHS (physician assistant), Quinnipiac University 
  • BS in Medical Laboratory Science, University of New Hampshire 


Carey Barry is a doctoral student in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, based in Boston. She is advised by Matthew Goodwin and Melanie Tory.  

Barry joined Khoury College in 2023 to study personal health informatics, excited to learn from experts in the field making a real-world impact. Her research, which focuses on neurodivergent populations and perioperative health care, is conducted jointly within the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, where Barry also chairs the Department of Medical Sciences and serves as an associate clinical professor. 

Outside of Northeastern, Barry is a physician assistant in plastic and reconstructive surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. She has twenty years of clinical experience in surgical settings, having practiced in numerous specialties including vascular, cardiac, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Before becoming a physician assistant, she worked as a medical technologist in a community hospital laboratory.