Gene Cooperman
I do research in high performance computing and transparent checkpointing,
including load balancing, support for newer architectures (e.g., GPUs), etc.
First, some random pointers about me. I also do research in applying
model checking for debugging parallel or concurrent software.
TEACHING: In Fall, 2024, I will be teaching
Computer Systems Seminar (CS 7670).
TEACHING: In Spring, 2024, I taught
Computer Systems (CS 3650).
TEACHING: In Spring, 2023, I am teaching
Computer Systems (CS 7600) (for PhD students).
TEACHING: In Fall, 2022, I am teaching
Computer Systems (CS 5600).
TEACHING: In Spring 2020, I taught a Ph.D.-level course,
Special Topics in Systems (CS 7680).
My office is in 336 WVH.
My High Performance
Computing Lab is in 370 WVH. The extension
there used to be x7127. (phones being removed??)
Next, some random pointers of interest to me.
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Campus map (We are West Village H (WV-H); Scroll to top of
web page, and type "West Village H" and <return>
in search bar, and then zoom out to see neighboring
snow days posted here,
Employee Hub (
(Got to "Resources" for Banner)
(for benefits, go to workday, and then left menu (e.g., benefits)
to discover your benefits; and then go back to
"Employee Hub" and search for that plan;
alt) (and then go to
myNEU ( (obsolete),
(to find out your class roster, login to myneu, so it knows who you
are; then go to "faculty services" so it knows you're a faculty
member; then select "Site map", followed by current semester,
followed by "Summary Class List", and it should now know your course
and key code; Select course to see Roster (aka "Summary Class List"),
and save as "text")
myHelp (Northeastern University IT help)
Khoury undergraduate degree programs (requirements and sample
course schedules),
N.U. undergraduate and graduate course descriptions in catalog (2021-22),
N.U. undergraduate and graduate course descriptions for C.S.,
Khoury graduate course descriptions,
ECE Graduate Program Guide (and overview at top of page),
Khoury undergraduate course descriptions (and overview at top of page),
Browse courses for chosen semester),
Canvas ( allows you to select: Courses->CHOOSE COURSE->FACT Reporting and Photo Roster,
Khoury courses (for current semester, OBSOLETE),
N.U. undergraduate and graduate course schedules
(click on "Select a Term", and then enter course number
without department: e.g., "3650" and not "CS 3650",
It will then allow you to click on the course to get
the description and the prereq's)
Course Sequence Schedule (restricted: requires N.U. account),
M.S. ALIGN program ("for students with strong analytical and
quantitative backgrounds. While students typically come from
fields such as mathematics and engineering, the program also
supports students from a broad range of undergraduate majors";
Search on "Admissions Requirements" for requirements.)
N.U. honors program,
N.U. final exam schedules (students should look at myNEU, fac. should look at Banner Class Schedule) (and so when I last looked, at
Final exam policies,
Select semester, then select "Subject: Computer Science",
and search in page for course),
Khoury graduate school
(with M.S. and
PhD course reuirements (click on "program requirements" for
course requirements")),
Khoury PhD Programs info (internal only) and
Forms for current Khoury graduate students,
M.S. course reuirements (click on "program requirements" for
course requirements")),
Readings (CS 8982) and Project (CS 8674) Courses,
M.S. thesis
(and please read this and also this for how to register for courses),
Northeastern University Applications for Admission (undergrad through
- FACT on myNEU provides photos of students
- FACT: Go to MyNEU -> Services -> Canvas -> Search on
your course (it will say "not available"; that means that it is not
available for FACT) -> select your course -> Open up menu
for "Course tools" -> Select "FACT Reporting and Photo Roster"
Khoury Systems Knowledge Base (help),
to discover the available hosts (for example, (location changed)).)
- OBSOLETE: webmail for CCS (Zimbra)
- Khoury Events calendar (but weirdly, no URLs as of Sept., 2023)
Systems Research Group Home Seminar
(but I still need to update my true Lab webpage)
N.U. webmail (OWA: Outlook Web App)
N.U. webmail (OWA: Outlook Web App; old)
N.U. webmail (OWA: Outlook Web App; old)
Khoury internal information (internal use only)
Khoury admin manual (internal use only)
- Khoury mailing lists (internal use only)
- Telephone and Office Directory (internal use only)
- Khoury Course Info (internal use only)
Khoury admin portal (internal use only)
- Khoury Teaching (internal use only)
- PhD/MS/UG assistants (internal use only)
- Khoury admin
(and Faculty and Teaching) (internal use only)
- Java-capable ssh client for Khoury
Khoury account request form (and use: ssh
and login as "account" with password same as the username)
- Khoury Administrative Staff
- (evemtually for
self-service group mgmt, course dir creation, vm provisioning,
hand-ins, etc.)
- Research accounts admin
Khoury PhD forms for students
- CCS Crew
- configuring mutt to use
IMAP (with
example configs); or do:
mutt -f imap://zimbra/inbox
(new mail,
if not from ccs machine), or
mutt -f "{$USER}INBOX"
(for older mail)
(or maybe env MAIL=... mutt
- Zimbra web mail
- Khoury seminar rooms to reserve:
164 WVH, 166 WVH, and 366 WVH (calendar)
Write to with room number
and time/dates in order to reserve it.
(At one time via ccis-faculty-staff-login, but now via operations.)
- Internal mailing lists (Khoury only)
- Khoury administration modules summary (change URL: semester=Summer+2024, or change in upper right)
- Northeastern University home page
(URLs change often)
- Khoury internal calendar
(Type "gc" (goto calendar); Alternatively, click on this page; Then search on that
page for the word "calendar"; Then click on that calendar tab.)
- Khoury Wiki
Systems Research Group (SRG) (at Khoury College, Northeastern U.)
- Massachusetts Green High-Performance
Computing Center
Getting an account on Discovery Cluster
How do I apply for renewal of a sponsored account?
(Starting in 2024, a professor is no longer allowed to sponsor an account for an external collaborator.
The professor must get permission from the Chair or Dean to have an external collaborator on Discovery.)
Northeastern University Research Computing
(and RC help and
srun --pty /bin/bash
for interactive usage)
Open OnDemand (OOD) (Graphic applications and terminals running on Discovery,
running in a Browser tab; current problems with cmd-line editing in terminal???)
- Hardware Overview (e.g., CPU nodes)
- Available partitions (For example,
sinfo -p --Format=time,nodes,cpus,socketcorethread,memory,nodeai,features #displays more detailed information using the Format option, including features like the type of processors
- NSF MRI cluster, Engaging1, at MGHPCC
- Massachusetts Life Sciences Cluster (still being configured)
Boston University Web resources
MIT EECS Seminars
CSAIL Dertouzos Lecturer Series (2009-10)
(w/ directions)
Harvard CS Colloquium Series
(Georgia Tech online M.S. is in C.S.)
Find a classroom (Northeastern U.)
- Coronavirus stuff (Fall, 2020 to Summer, 2022; but now obsolete)
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- Computing Research Association
Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
(joing among Boston U., Harvard, MIT, Northeastern U., U. Mass (Amherst),
Cisco, EMC, and the state of Massachusetts)
N.U. cluster (CCS/ECE)
(and its
ASCC (Advanced Scientific Computation Center)
(currently 24 GB 2-way SMP Itanium, 2 x 12 GB, and 16 node cluster)
- B.U. Scientific Computing
and Visualization Facilities
- SCIEnce (Symbolic Computing
in Europe: European Union project: 2006 - 2011)
N.U. Online/Offline Writing Lab (NU OWL)
UNIXhelp for users
N.U. Administrative Services
- RAF (Research Administration and Finance / Sponsored Project Administration)
RAF/DSPA approval for grant-funded foreign travel (including
airline tickets)
"International Engagement Intake Form" and
"Consulting Agreement Addendum"
Qualtrics from in Khoury to declare plans for grant proposal
Limited Submissions Grants Approval (e.g. IGERT, MRI)
Proposal Notification Form (in advance of internal grant
(used by RAF as an intermediate stage in submissions to
NSF and other funding agencies)
Individual budgets (can be slow to update)
CITI Training (e.g. DOE fCOI)
Budget Office
(see especially "Policies and Procedures" -- unfortunately
only in Microsoft Word)
Expense Reimbursement Policy (no per-diem; recepts strongly recommended
for all expenditures)
Expense reimbursement: go to MyNEU/links, and on lower right,
click on Concur for an online subsystem ("Recall" means "un-submit";
Click on Expenses at top; "Create a New Expense Report" (icon);
Will be in "Report Header", fill in and click "Next" at bottom;
(can click on "Details" and choose "Header" to enter expense account #)
As of Jan., 2023: Accounts Payable forms (Finance)
(online "
Expense Reimbursement Voucher (Jan., 2023)"
(For newer versions,
pdftk A=tmp1.pdf B=tmp2.pdf cat A B1W output tmp.pdf
(For older version, using the 2-year old OpenOffice 3.1 of Khoury: Menu: Format -> Page / Page / increase width/height to 9.3"/11.9" (page 1) and 13"/9.0" (page 2; set landscape) Menu: File -> export as pdf (choose "All sheets");
"export as pdf" allows one to preview in pdf; sometimes, printing directly from OpenOffice can work with large page format, but be sure to select
"All Sheets" in print panel; Or else print each of the two sheets directly,
and xerox onto double-sided.
pdftk travelexpense.pdf burst;
pdftk A=pg_0001.pdf B=pg_0002.pdf cat A BW output pg.pdf;
rm pg_*.pdf;
(If pdftk complains about input error on travelexpense.pdf from oowriter, then
manually create pg_0001.pdf and pg_0002.pdf from inside oowriter or evince.)
In Europe, it's important to do a color scan of a document (with
color letterheads). At Northeastern, we seem to have black-and-white
scan only on the copiers. There is a color scanner in the library
that is optimized for pictures --- and so it changes the white
background of a printed page into black. (Or maybe it's a copyright
protection thing.) Then be sure to "crop" on the library machine
before e-mailing to yourself. Then use gimp with right-button on
the image. Choose "Select/By Color", and select the gray background
that the library produces. Choose "Edit/Fill with BG color"
(which should then display as white).
Procurement Card (personal credit card not allowed),
Preferred Vendor,
Travel, and
MA State Tax Exempt Forms (incl. ST-2))
Information Services
(central computer facilities, obsolete??)
ITS service portal
N.U. licensed software (click on "Software" tab at top)
Curricular Practical Training (part-time, on-campus CPT, etc.)
Customer service for LAZ parking (parking garage):
Human Resources
Resources and Forms
Student employment
(Part-Time Paysheets, etc.)
Khoury virtual desktops for Windows and Linux
(use Khoury credentials; no longer supported??)
OLDER Khoury VDI virtual desktops for Windows and Linu (obsolete?)
How software patents hurt software innovation
(also see When Patents Attack,
from "This American Life")
Rob Reid: The $8 billion iPod
In the early days of the Web, it was popular to set up some web pages
that would index all of human knowledge. Here is the trichotomy
that I chose for my own index. You are welcome
to look more deeply into this tree of knowledge.
General Info (non-C.S., non-tongue twister)
Gene Cooperman
Khoury College of Computer Sciences, 202-WVH
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115
e-mail: first name in lower case "at" ccs dot neu dot edu
Phone: (617) 373-8686
Fax: (617) 373-5121