Bhutta's Bio
I am currently an Associate Teaching Professor at Khoury College of Computer Sciences - Northeastern University (Boston, MA). My teaching expertise include a wide range of subjects within Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Information Technology. Since 2007, I have proposed, developed and taught numerous CS/CpE/IT courses (in all formats including face-2-face, hybrid and fully online) across different departments/colleges at Northeastern University (NU), Indiana University (IU), Kent State University (KSU), University of Central Florida (UCF) & Valencia College.
During the last 3 years at NU, I have taught a number of upper-level courses in software development and programming. Before joining NU, I was a Senior Lecturer of Computer Science at Indiana University Bloomington where I had the opportunity to propose (new courses), develop (from scratch), and teach a number of fundamental and advanced (undergraduate and graduate) courses in different areas of CS. During my last year at IU, I taught the largest enrollment of students in the department (a combined enrollment of almost 1000 students during AY 20-21 across different courses - which was 30% more than the next total enrollment count for any faculty member that year). Prior to joining IU, I worked as the Coordinator and Lecturer of Computer Technology (now called Information Technology) at Kent State University @ Stark (with additional appointments in CS and MIS). During those 4 years, I developed the Computer Technology program from ground up and transformed it into one of the fastest growing programs on campus.
I hold PhD degree in Computer Engineering, MS degree in Computer Engineering as well as MS degree in Computer Science all from University of Central Florida and I earned my BS degree in Electronic Engineering from GIK Institute, Pakistan. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to learn from outstanding faculty at one of the top ranked universities in Computer Vision research [as per]. My general areas of research include Computer Vision and Image Processing and I worked on "Selective Subtraction: An Extension of Background Substratcion" during my PhD dissertation. I have also recently been working on Deep Learning and Selective Subtraction. Over the years, I have worked on a lot of projects including background subtraction, dynamic scene modeling, object detetcion & tracking, line tracking, dense correspondences, analysis of sports videos (for EA Sports), image restoration, view & texture synthesis and sequence alignment in Bioinformatics. My current focus also includes Computer Science Education research, primarily related to the use of active learning techniques to enhance student learning.
My 3-year industry experience includes working on optimization of Video Compression algorithms (H.263) for VLIW-based TriMedia processors and development of application software for Voice over IP (VoIP) systems.
As an entrepreneur, I have founded, managed and operated 2 companies in last 2 decades and I continue to run a number of ecommerce businesses todate.
I have also been very active in other aspects of academic/professional/campus/community life and have been recognized for outstanding scholarship, academic achievements, service and leadership. I am a Senior Member of IEEE, Professional (full) Member of ACM as well as member of IET (MIET) and I regularly serve as technical reviewer for several international conferences and journals. At NU, I was recently elected to faculty senate as a College representative for 2 year term. I am also currently part of Undergraduate Committee (which oversees undergraduate programs in the College), University Senate Mediation Committee (which reviews and decides matters related to faculty grievances), Academics Appeals Resolution Committee (which reviews students appeals) as well as Associate Professor Promotion Committee. In previously years, I have also been part of Faculty Mentoring and Engagement Committee (which is responsible for providing faculty mentoring and organizing engagement events for faculty/staff) and the Systems Advisory Committee. At IU, I was elected to Faculty Affairs Committee (2019-21) which performs annuals reviews for all faculty and served on Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee (2019-21), as well as the Undergraduate Education Committee (2016-18) for CS Dept. Prior to that I also served on University Council on Technology, Curriculum Committee and Technology Committee at KSU-Stark (2013-2016). At UCF, I served on Graduate Appeals and Awards Sub-committee of the Graduate Council of Faculty Senate (2008-2010).
In addition, I have served on (or was elected to) several leadership positions including service as the President of Graduate Students Association (2007-08, 2 years) which represented more than 7000 graduate students. Outside academia, I have served as General Secretary of Islamic Center of Bloomington (2018-21) and has volunteered as Principal of Sunday School for several years. At IU, I also served as Advisor of Badminton Club and Pakistani Student Association. Currently I volunteer at the Sunday school in ICB Wayland.
I am proud receipent of many scholarships, fellowships and awards including: Mumford Excellence in Extraordinary Teaching Award (2021), Transforming Education, Stimulating Teaching and Learning Excellence (TRESTLE) Fellowship (2019-20), IU Trustees Teaching Award (2019), Champion of Inclusion Award (2017), Graduate Student Achievers Scholarship (2007), UCF Student Organization Officer of the Year Award (2007), Who's Who Among Students in American Universities (2006), Graduate Summer Research Fellowship (2006), National Scholars Award of Achievement (2006), SGA Campus Involvement Scholarship (2006), Outstanding Leadership Award by Pakistani Students Association (2006) and ECE Graduate Fellowship (2005).
I love (and follow) many sports and I am always involved with local Badminton club (current association: Maugus Club, Wellesley). I have organized and participated in many Badminton and Cricket tournaments over the years. I have won numerous medals and awards while participating in Badminton tournaments all over Northeast, Midwest and Florida including 2 Gold medals (40+ singles and 80+ doubles) at MA Senior Games 2023, 2 Gold and 2 Silver medals at 2013 Sunshine State (FL) games, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals at 2011 AAU Badminton National Championships.
Aug 2024