Showing 16 of 329 results for "Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty, Teaching Faculty"
  • Brian Cross

    Brian Cross is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College. Before joining Khoury College, he spent 20 years as a software engineer at Microsoft, working on problems of API design, user experience, and developer efficiency.

  • Maitraye Das

    Maitraye Das is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Arts, Media and Design. Her human–computer interaction research blends interviews, field work, and iterative design to bridge equity and accessibility gaps in education, employment, and creative work.

  • Bob De Schutter

    Bob De Schutter is an associate professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Arts, Media and Design. His game design work emphasizes the importance of older gamers and lifelong play, a mission reflected in his ownership of award-winning game company Lifelong Games LLC.

  • Nate Derbinsky

    Nate Derbinsky is a teaching professor, and the associate dean of both the global campus and of teaching faculty at Khoury College in Boston. His research operates at the intersection of artificial intelligence, optimization, machine learning, and database systems, and he has been working to deliver quality computer science education for students from kindergarten through graduate school for nearly 20 years.

  • Peter Desnoyers

    Peter Desnoyers is an associate professor at Khoury College and a co-founder of the Massachusetts Open Cloud, a multi-institutional collaboration that develops new cloud computing models. His research examines storage issues in operating systems, namely the integration of emerging storage tech into existing software infrastructures.

  • Michael Ann DeVito

    Michael Ann DeVito is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Arts, Media and Design. Her AI and machine learning research aims to address inequalities and unfairness toward marginalized populations through inclusive, equitable design.

  • Cody Dunne

    Cody Dunne is an assistant professor at Khoury College. His work, which lies at the nexus of information visualization, network science, and human–computer interaction, strives to make data and visualizations easier to analyze and share.

  • Kathleen Durant

    Kathleen Durant is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. Both in industry with Silverlink Communications and as a research fellow with Harvard Medical School, she has combined health care with computing to better support patients in their care journeys.

  • Brianna Dym

    Brianna Dym is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College, where she teaches human–computer interaction and programming design. She is driven to broaden participation in computing and ensure that everyone benefits from technology; to achieve this, she has reimagined curricula and fostered community among LGBTQ students.

  • Laura Edelson

    Laura Edelson is an assistant professor at Khoury College and former chief technologist for the US Department of Justice Antitrust Division. She studies the spread of harmful content through large online networks with the goal of making social media platforms safer and more beneficial for users.

  • Bethany Edmunds

    Bethany Edmunds is a teaching professor, assistant dean of computing programs for Vancouver, and interim director of computing programs in Seattle at Khoury College. She is passionate about breaking down barriers to create greater diversity, access and inclusivity within the technology community.

  • Timothy Edmunds

    Timothy Edmunds is a professor at Khoury College. He teaches classes in discrete mathematics, algorithms, data structures, and statistics.

  • Ehsan Elhamifar

    Ehsan Elhamifar is an associate professor at Khoury College, affiliated with the College of Engineering. The overarching goal of his research is to develop AI that learns from and makes inferences about visual data analogous to humans.