Farhan Hameed
Farhan “CJ” Hameed is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and the leader of medical informatics initiatives at Pfizer Innovative Research Lab. He specializes in semantic interoperability standards, ontologies, and integrated clinical solutions for healthcare-related projects and products, and has recently been exploring clinical research informatics including electronic data capturing, wearable devices, AI/machine learning, and digital biomarkers.
Ariel Hamlin
Ariel Hamlin is an assistant teaching professor in the Khoury College. Driven by the ubiquity and vulnerability of cloud-based data storage, Hamlin is passionate about protecting that data, and seeks to build servers that can host a private database without learning about its contents or the queries made upon it.
Paul Hand
Paul Hand is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Science. He researches theory and algorithms for AI and machine learning in the context of vision and imaging.
Benjamin Hescott
Benjamin Hescott is a teaching professor, and the senior associate dean of academic programs and student experience at Khoury College. His research interests include computational complexity, approximation algorithms, and computational biology, and he is passionate about making sure computer science education is accessible to all.
Matt Higger
Matt Higger is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. He develops interfaces that allow paralyzed people to communicate efficiently with user-specific movements; he also segments populations of images to identify regions which show statistically significant relationships.
Megan Hofmann
Megan Hofmann is an assistant professor at Khoury College. Her human–computer interaction and personal health informatics research often centers around the development and evaluation of accessible tools, including for people with disabilities.
Steve Holtzen
Steve Holtzen is an assistant professor at Khoury College, affiliated with the Programming Research Laboratory. His research aims to design fast, accessible, and useful probabilistic modeling systems for everyday reasoning tasks, and he teaches courses on artificial intelligence, programming languages, and machine learning.
Seth Hutchinson
Seth Hutchinson is a professor at Khoury College. His research into ways to make robots smarter and more capable spans three decades and more than 300 publications.
Stephen Intille
Stephen Intille is a professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Using ideas from ubiquitous computing, user-interface design, pattern recognition, behavioral science, and preventative medicine, he develops technologies that measure and motivate health-related behaviors.
Damian Isla
Damian Isla is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, as well as the design director and co-founder of the game studio The Molasses Flood. He teaches courses on artificial intelligence and game development.
Carter Ithier
Carter Ithier is a clinical instructor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, based in Boston.
Alden Jackson
Alden Jackson is an associate clinical professor at Khoury College whose interests include SDN architecture, network security, reliability and robustness of massively distributed systems, network protocol design and implementation, policy-based configuration and operation of network elements, and network traffic analysis and monitoring.
Chenyan Jia
Chenyan Jia is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed in the College of Arts, Media and Design. She conducts research at the intersection of human–computer interaction and mass communication, examining human-centered AI design, the influence of emerging media technologies on human attitudes, and misinformation.
Huaizu Jiang
Huaizu Jiang is an assistant professor at Khoury College. His research interests include computer vision, computational photography, machine learning, AI, and natural language processing.
Zhengzhong Jin
Zhengzhong Jin is an assistant professor at Khoury College. He is interested in cryptography, teaching courses on the subject, and researching a proof system to delegate heavy computation to an untrusted server while ensuring the computation is correct.
Showing 16 of 202 results for "Boston, Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty, Teaching Faculty"