Caglar Yildirim
Caglar Yildirim is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. His research combines human–computer interaction, mixed reality, data visualization, games, and applied machine learning.
Ilmi Yoon
Ilmi Yoon is a teaching professor at Khoury College, and a director of computing programs at the Silicon Valley campus. As both a teacher with two decades of experience at San Francisco State and as a researcher studying human-centered AI, video accessibility, and socially responsible computing, Yoon focuses on engaging underrepresented and marginalized groups in computing and computing education.
Deahan Yu
Deahan Yu is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. He teaches courses in machine learning and data mining, and aspires to empower his students as leaders throughout their learning journeys.
Shuo Zhang
Shuo Zhang is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. Her research examines how labor economics, platform design, algorithmic fairness, and human behavior influence online job markets.
Hongyang Zhang
Hongyang Zhang is an assistant professor at Khoury College. He researches at the nexus of machine learning, algorithms, and statistics, and has helped to develop techniques for neural networks, data augmentation, and transfer learning.
Ziming Zhao
Ziming Zhao is an associate professor at Khoury College. His passion for hacking informs his research into systems and software security, network security, and web security, as well as his use of capture the flag (CTF) cybersecurity competitions as a teaching tool.
Showing 9 of 329 results for "Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty, Teaching Faculty"