Showing 16 of 329 results for "Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty, Teaching Faculty"
  • Sara Arunagiri

    Sara Arunagiri is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College. She has conducted ethno-social research into how diverse groups interact with cutting-edge technologies, as well as exploring data science, high-performance computing, and machine learning.

  • Javed Aslam

    Javed Aslam is a professor at Khoury College. His research emphasizes machine learning and information retrieval, with forays into human computation, transportation, computer security, wireless networking, and medical informatics.

  • Amin Assareh

    Amin Assareh is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and a vice president of data science at Fidelity Investments. He teaches courses on machine learning and data mining, and researches topics related to machine learning, natural language processing, and transfer learning.

  • Kathleen Aubrey

    Kathleen Aubrey is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and a UX/usability consultant for clients ranging from the Broad Institute to MassDOT. Her goal is to teach techniques that can help her students and clients create systems which facilitate understanding for people with less knowledge.

  • Keith Bagley

    Keith Bagley is an associate clinical professor at Khoury College, and a director of the Align program. His research focuses on human-computer interaction and the internet of things, and on broadening participation in computer science for underrepresented groups.

  • Albert-László Barabási

    Albert-László Barabási is the Robert Gray Dodge Professor of Network Science and a Distinguished University Professor at Northeastern University, director of the Center for Complex Network Research, and a joint appointee within Khoury College and the College of Science. His award-winning work includes the discovery of scale-free networks and the Barabási-Albert model to explain their prevalence in natural, technological, and social systems.

  • Eli Barzilay

    Eli Barzilay is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and a member of Northeastern’s Programming Research Laboratory. The main focus of his teaching and research is programming languages, which he has explored in everything from formal methods and to computer music.

  • David Bau

    David Bau is an assistant professor at Khoury College and the lead principal investigator of the National Deep Inference Fabric project. His research centers on human–computer interaction and machine learning, including the gap between the efficacy of AI and scientists’ ability to explain it.

  • Jonathan Bell

    Jonathan Bell is an assistant professor at Khoury College. His research focuses on automated approaches to help developers write better software, particularly in Java and JavaScript.

  • Kylie Ariel Bemis

    Kylie Ariel Bemis is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College, who develops the master’s in data science program curriculum. She is interested in statistical computing environments and methods for complex data, and active in outreach to the Native American and LGBTQ+ communities.

  • Enrico Bertini

    Enrico Bertini is an associate professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Arts, Media and Design. Through his research and his podcast Data Stories, he works to make data visualization more understandable and useful for broad audiences.

  • Rasika Bhalerao

    Rasika Bhalerao is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. Her areas of teaching include introductory courses (Fundamentals of Computer Science and the Align program), artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and ethical computing.

  • Anurag Bhardwaj

    Anurag Bhardwaj is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College and a Bay Area-based data scientist. He researches large scale machine learning, computer vision, and deep learning, and his work on online visual fashion recommendation has received significant media attention.