CS 3000: Algorithms & Data — Fall 2021
Rajmohan Rajaraman
Andrew van der Poel
Office Hours (online, all times Eastern)
Rajmohan Rajaraman: TBD
Drew van der Poel: TBD
Teaching Assistants
Piazza Link
- TF 09:50-11:30 Rajaraman
- TF 13:35-15:15 van der Poel
- TF 15:25-17:05 van der Poel
Course Description
This is an
introductory undergraduate course in algorithms. Every
computer program can be viewed as an implementation of an algorithm
for solving a particular computational problem. The focus of
this course is on learning algorithm design techniques for solving the
underlying computational problems. We will also look at how
algorithms translate to programs, but our emphasis will be on the
algorithm design and analysis. In this class, you will
- Work on a range of computational problems that arise in diverse applications
- Learn how to formulate problems precisely from somewhat informal descriptions
- Learn new algorithmic design techniques used to solve the problems
- Learn proof techniques critical for reasoning about your algorithms
- Learn analysis techniques critical to determine the efficiency of algorithms
- Learn how to transform algorithms to programs
Specific topics covered in the course typically include:
- Basics tools for analysis of algorithms: proof by induction, asymptotic notation
- Divide-and-conquer algorithms
- Dynamic programming
- Basic graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, topological sorting, strongly connected components
- Graph optimization: shortest paths, minimum spanning trees
- Amortized analysis, randomized algorithms
- Greedy algorithms
- Network flow algorithms and applications
- NP-completeness
Algorithm Design, by Kleinberg and Tardos, Pearson
Grades will be based on problem
sets and programming assignments (35%), quizzes (8%), two midterms
(16% each), and final (25%). The final grade assigned to a student
will be based on the overall performance of the student relative to
the entire class.
All problem sets will be submitted through Gradescope as a PDF.
All problem sets must be typeset in LaTeX. We will provide the source
files for the problem sets to help you get started. See below for
some advice on LaTeX. Learning LaTeX can take some time, but is well
worth the investment, since most technical publications are written in
LaTeX. Great editors exist on most platforms. We
recommend TexShop
for Mac. TeXstudio is a good
editor. The not so
short introduction to LaTeX is a good reference to get you started.
Instructions for submission of programming assignments will be provided with each assignment.
- No late homework will be accepted. The lowest problem set score
will be dropped from your grade. Extensions will be granted only in
rare, extreme, and verifiable circumstances. If you know that you wont
be able to get a certain assignment in, plan ahead so that you can use
this as the one problem set score that you drop.
- Collaborating with other students in the class on homework problems
is fine and encouraged, though we urge you to attempt working out all
of the problems by yourself first. In any case, you must
write up your solutions, in your own words. Furthermore, if you
did collaborate on any problem, you must clearly list all of the
collaborators in your submission.
- Finding solutions to homework problems on the web, or by asking
students not enrolled in the class is strictly
CS 3001 Recitations
Since this is a large class, and the main focus of the course is
problem-solving, we will have weekly recitation sessions in which we
will work through several problems related to material covered in the
- The recitations will be devoted to problem-solving and
answering conceptual questions. The exercises discussed in the
recitation during a week will be identical across all the recitations
(in-person and online).
- Students are required to attend one recitation each week. Each
student will be enrolled in a recitation that they can attend.. If
recitation capacity allows, they can attend a different recitation
in any given week.