DS 7778: Nature-Inspired Computing

This is a proposed special-topics course (Not yet approved!)

Prerequisites: DS3500 or CS3500
When: Jan 9th to Apr 19th. Meeting times to be announced.
Where: Online on Zoom


John Rachlin
Assistant Teaching Professor
Email: j.rachlin@northeastern.edu
Office Hours: TBD

Course Description

This is a survey course in computational techniques inspired by nature and their use in data-driven problem-solving. Topics will include genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing, ant colony and particle swarm optimization, artificial immune systems, neural computing, simulated annealing, and cellular automata for modeling and simulating complex systems. Students will read and review both seminal and current research papers, implement methods and algorithms in Python or Java, and investigate how well these techniques work for a variety of problem domains including manufacturing, resource allocation, constraint-satisfaction problems, bioinformatics, and classification. The course will also include a final class project that students will present in an end-of-semester conference-style poster session. The course requires a solid understanding of at least one high-level programming language. Prerequisites: DS3500 or CS3500.


There will be about one research paper or chapter assigned each week including the following:

Rout M., Rout J., and Das H., eds. (2020). Nature Inspired Computing for Data Science, Studies in Computational Intelligence (871), Springer Switzerland AG.

Ibrahim D. (2016). An overview of soft computing. 12th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, ICAFS 2016, 29-30 August 2016, Vienna, Austria

Siddique N. and Adeli H. (2015). Nature Inspired Computing: An Overview and Some Future Directions. Cogn Comput 7:706–714

Kari L. and Rozenberg G. (2008). The many facets of Natural Computing, Communications of the ACM, Vol 51, No 10.

Dorigo M., Maniezzo V., and Colorni A. (1996). Ant System: Optimization by a Colony of Cooperating Agents, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol 26, No 1.


Assigned weekly or every other week depending on the assignment complexity. Students are expected to code their own solutions. Collaborating beyond verbal discussions of the problems is not allowed.

Class Project

The class project is an opportunity to explore the world of scientific computing in an area of your own choosing. At the end of the semester, students will present their results in a conference-style poster session and projects will be collected into the conference Proceedings.

Academic Integrity

Computer Science is a creative process. Individuals must reach their own understanding of problems and discover paths to their solutions. During this time, discussions with friends and colleagues are encouraged—you will do much better in the course, and at Northeastern, if you find people with whom you regularly discuss problems. But those discussions should take place verbally. Each programming submission must be entirely your own work. The university's academic integrity policy discusses actions regarded as violations and consequences for students: http://www.northeastern.edu/osccr/academic-integrity


As noted above, this is a proposed course (not yet approved.) If you would be interested in taking this course or would like to discuss possible topics in Nature-Inspired Computing, please contact Prof. Rachlin


The final grade for this course will be weighted as follows:

Final grades will be rounded to the nearest integer and assigned based on the following scale (e.g., 92.4999 is a 92 whereas 92.5000 is a 93.):

A95 - 100
A-90 - 92
B+87 - 89
B83 - 86
B-80 - 82
C+77 - 79
C73 - 76
C-70 - 72
D+67 - 69
D63 - 66
D-60 - 62

Lecture Schedule

Note: This schedule is subject to change and will be adjusted as needed throughout the semester.

Week Dates Topic Reading
1 Jan 9-13 Evolution by natural selection. Genetic Algorithms TBD
2 Jan 16-20 General Evolutionary computing. Application: Machine Scheduling TBD
3 Jan 23-27 Multi-objective optimization and intelligent decision-support. Multi-agent systems. TBD
4 Jan 30-Feb 3 Social Insects. Ant colony optimization. TBD
5 Feb 6-10 Birds and Bees. Particle Swarm Optimization TBD
6 Feb 13-17 Probabilistic Methods: Simulated Annealing. Applications in Routing. TBD
7 Feb 20-24 Neural Computing TBD
8 Feb 27-Mar 3 DNA Computing TBD
9 Mar 6-10 Spring Break - No Class TBD
10 Mar 20-24 Artificial Immune Systeems for Cybersecurity. TBD
11 Mar 27-31 Cellular Automata and Complex Systems. Artifical Life. TBD
12 Apr 3-7 Fuzzy Logic TBD
13 Apr 10-14 Science Conference TBD
14 Apr 17-19 Future Directions: Quantum Computing TBD

Inclusive Classroom

Northeastern University values the diversity of our students, staff, and faculty; recognizing the important contribution each makes to our unique community. We strive to create a learning environment that is welcoming to students of all backgrounds. If you feel unwelcome for any reason, please let us know so we can work to make things better. You can let us know by talking to anyone on the teaching staff. If you feel uncomfortable talking to members of the teaching staff, please consider reaching out to your academic advisor.

Northeastern is committed to providing equal access and support to all qualified students through the provision of reasonable accommodations so that each student may fully participate in the learning experience. If you have a disability that requires accommodations, please contact the Disability Resource Center http://www.northeastern.edu/drc/, DRC@northeastern.edu, 617-353-2675. Accommodations cannot be made retroactively and to receive an accommodation, a letter from the DRC or LDP is required.