Algorithms: CS 5800

The course was designed by Virgil Pavlu and you view his lectures online. The homeworks will be facilitated through debates on algorithmic topics. In the on campus class meetings (on Tuesday evenings in Shillman 420, 6-8 pm, starting Jan. 7, 2014) you will learn practical skills on how to approach algorithmic problems and in the first few meetings we will practice the mechanism of debating computational problems.

Teaching Staff: Karl Lieberherr (Professor), Zhengxing Chen (PhD student), Yipeng Guo (MS student).

Syllabus | Homeworks | Labs | Course Home Page NU Online | Piazza CS5800 Home Page | Team-based Learning with Debates | Help Session Slides | Course Directories | Debates Versus Proofs

Book: Algorithms: Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani | Virgil Pavlu's Slides | Socratic Method

My Background is summarized on my home page. I have done research in algorithms, a recent paper is here:

TITLE = "{Complexity of Partial Satisfaction II}",
AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ernst Specker",
JOURNAL = "Elemente der Mathematik",
YEAR = 2012,
PAGES = "134-150",
VOLUME = 67,
doi = {10.4171/EM/202}