CSG713 04F: Homework 00

Created: Wed 08 Sep 2004
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Assigned: Wed 08 Sep 2004
Due: Fri 10 Sep 2004


Required: 2 of the following 2 problems
Points: 10 pts per problem

  1. Please send me the following information, via e-mail:

    I will use this information to create an e-mail list in order to disseminate information, hints and corrections, etc.

  2. I will be making every attempt to move this class to the daytime. In order to avoid conflicts, please visit the the Northeastern webpage describing the semester course sequence schedule for this fall, and let me know which sequences you could not attend due to a conflict. Please report this to me, via e-mail, by listing the sequences for which you have a conflict, e.g., "I could not attend this course if it were moved to sequences 3, 4, A, or F."

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